Help Center

Please use the below form. You can also call customer service on +1 (832) 490-2026.

Contact Us

If you have an issue or question that requires immediate assistance, you can click the button below to chat live with a Customer Service representative.

Please allow 3 - 5 business days from the time your package arrives back to us for a refund to be issued.

Return or Refund

What is your return policy?

How do I initiate a return?

Where do I send my returns?

What if I receive a damaged or wrong item?

Are there items that cannot be returned?

Can I return sale items or gift cards?

How can I exchange an item?

What is the European Union 14-day cooling off period?

How are refunds processed?


Do you offer international shipping?

How long does domestic shipping take?

What shipping methods do you offer?

How can I track my order?

What if my shipment is delayed?

How are shipping costs calculated?

How are orders packaged?

Who do I contact for order support?